Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 19

Weigh in day.

Not bad, right? Except that I weighed in lower than that yesterday morning. By half a pound. Boooo!

Still, to keep a little bit of perspective, I've lost 3.6 lbs in the past week, and 16lbs overall. So I can live with that.

Then I went to work and set about eating my yogurts. One of them, with an expiration date which is a week from today, was all moldy. Double booooo!

I'm in meetings from now through 5:30 today, several of which are guaranteed to be unpleasant. This is shaping up to be just the kind of day I'd have tried to compensate for by eating absolute garbage in the past. Knowing that, and knowing that if hunger isn't the problem, food isn't the answer, I'm not going to fall prey to that business. Still, let's hope the hit parade fails to keep on marching this morning.

One (curses!) 6oz Chobani Blood Orange Yogurt
- 140 calories
- 0 from fat
- 14g protein

Morning Snack:
One Chocolate Frost Pure Protein Shake
- 170 calories
- 10 from fat
- 35g protein

One Quiznos Small Ham Sandwich w/ Cheese
- 310 calories
- 75 from fat
- 21g protein

One Bowl of Quiznos Chili
- 235 calories
- 50 from fat
- 20g protein

One of my meetings got canceled so I ran out with my coworker Betsy to grab some food from Quiznos. This meal was absolutely delicious! Their chili actually has some kick to it and is nice and chunky. I felt pretty good about this meal. It's proof that being able to look at the menu beforehand and make some choices can save you from a lot of temptation. I knew from the second that I walked in the door that I didn't have to look at the Chicken Carbonara sandwich and desire it mightily.  

Afternoon Snack:
One EAS Myoplex Lite Chocolate Chocolate Chip Bar
- 190 calories
- 40 from fat
- 15g protein 

Afternoon Protein Shake:
One Chocolate Frost Pure Protein Shake
- 170 calories
- 10 from fat
- 35g protein

Vapiano Chicken Caesar Salad
- 400 calories
- 30g protein

Vapiano doesn't publish their nutritional information, so I based this on the Bertucci's one from last week. The salad at Vapiano was a little smaller and had less chicken, so I'm just guesstimating here. It was fine, but not as good.

- 1615 calories
-  235+ from fat
- 170g protein

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