Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 78

Had my usual Chobani for breakfast, along with a protein bar shortly after I woke up. I was insanely hungry - the downside of eating a big meal on Sunday night and stretching out my stomach in the process.

I also hopped on the scale this morning just to see how bad the carnage was for this weekend, and I'm only up about 2lbs. That sounds awful, but is actually a good thing, because I expected worse. I need to drink a LOT of water to flush this salt from my body, and hopefully I won't see an increase on Friday. That will put me back on target to be down 40lbs by the end of March, which is a consummation devoutly to be wished.

Chick-fil-a for lunch, probably a lean cuisine for dinner. This whole 'getting back on the wagon' thing is getting easier and easier.


  1. Replies
    1. So does Matt Chico, for what it's worth. Nice reference to a post from another blog that I wrote four years ago, by the way.
