Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 369

A 3-scoop, 12oz/milk protein shake. Big and filling, yum. Also, another apple.

Leftover pot roast and a carrot with a little bit of peanut butter.

Ohhhhh dinner. You were a killer. But I've been pretty good, and these things happen. I had five small flour tortillas with steak fajita stuff - steak, peppers, onions - and a dollop of Sour Cream. Then I had some small sopaipillas and some insane thing that was like an egg roll with cheesecake/cream cheese-y goodness in it. Oh, and two margaritas.

I felt kind of OK about that meal last night - I knew it was bad, but I figured it could be worse. In the cold, hard light of the next day, I'm not sure how much worse it could have been. I guess 'worse' would be A) having two-three meals like that in a day (of which I'm entirely capable) or B) not getting back on the horse the next day. I'm not going to do either of those things.

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