Pop's illness saved me from corned beef last night, although the trade-off was not altogether worth it. Protein bar and my last Chobani for breakfast (gasp!!) and I'm meeting mom at Clyde's for lunch. Cross your fingers for my weigh-in tomorrow. If I avoid a significant gain, I'll be happy with it.
81 days isn't a long time, but it IS time, and I got to thinking about all the things that I haven't had at all since I started my diet. One that stuck out to me is ye olde candye bare. That's not to say that I haven't had candy since I started - I've definitely had a few Lindor truffles and a Reese's egg in the last few months, but I haven't had a candy bar. I used to really enjoy the not-so-occasional candy bar, but it's something I haven't missed in the least in the past few months. Weird. That brought me to my next feature..
Case Studies in Shit I Don't Need to Eat Ever Again!
Exhibit A:
271 calories
- 122 from fat
13.6g fat
- 5.2g saturated fat
34.5g carbohydrates (32.7g effective)
- 1.3g dietary fiber
- 28.8g sugar
4.3g protein
Exhibit B:
210 calories
- 90 from fat
10g fat
- 1.5g saturated fat
21g carbohydrates (4g effective)
- 17g dietary fiber
- 2g sugar
20g protein
Exhibit A is the ubiquitous Snickers Bar. Exhibit B is a Quest Peanut Butter and Jelly Bar. My point is certainly not that they taste the same, nor that the Quest bar truly measures up in deliciousness. But I'll say this - these bars are damn tasty, and they DO taste like peanut butter and strawberry jelly on wheat bread, which happens to be one of my absolute favorites. My real point here is that I know I've bought into the 'Hungry? Why wait?' bullshit before, and eaten a Snickers bar as an attempt to get me through to my next meal. Candy is candy for a reason, and it can be delicious as a treat, but I don't ever want to go back to thinking of it as anything more than that.
Awesome post bud! I love the thought process and to have the replacement at hand. Hungry, why grab a snickers?!