Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 47

This morning's weigh in was bad. For the first time this year, I'm up a bit. Admittedly, I'm up .2lbs, which is one wet fart away from being even, but it still pisses me off. My body really wants to lose weight, and all I've got to do is not stop it. This week, I managed to stop it.

I'm not discouraged in any big way for a couple of reasons. One, I'm still down 27.3lbs. Two, it's .2lbs, and three, it's not like it was that much of a surprise. I didn't eat well last weekend and I wasn't as much of a zealot this week. Still, it's not something I'd like to repeat, so without further ado, may I re-introduce... the annoying task of recording everything I eat and the nutrition facts thereof!

Two Chobani 6oz Yogurts (Black Cherry and Apple Cinnamon)
- 280 calories
- 0 from fat
- 28g protein

Morning Snack:
One Chocolate Pure Protein Shake
- 170 calories
- 10 from fat
- 35g protein

Chick-fil-a Twelve Count Nuggets
- 400 calories
- 40g protein

Side Salad w/ Fat Free Honey Mustard Dressing
- 125 calories
- 5g protein

This part isn't particularly fun to write and I'm sure it doesn't make for the world's most interesting reading, but it's what I was doing when I was dropping weight by the bushel, so it's worth going back to.

Afternoon Snack:
EAS Myoplex Lite Protein Bar
- 190 calories
- 40 from fat
- 15g protein

Chick-fil-a Four Piece Chicken Strips
- 480 calories
- 46g protein

Side Salad w/ Fat Free Honey Mustard
- 125 calories
- 5g protein

Back to Chick-fil-a with Christine for dinner. I didn't order the strips, I ordered my standard nuggets, but I always eat the salad first and by the time I finished and found out that they got the order wrong, I didn't want to go return them, so I ate them. I didn't know at the time that I was looking at 80 more calories. But probably I'll live.


  1. Several comments. Remember Marc's remarks about focusing on dollars not pennies and nickels. The slight move up is a mil.

    Having said that, the need to keep focused on your program is a dollar.

    I worry in what I am trying to do that I will fail because I will behave exactly as you described your behavior, that is, look I made progress so it is no sweat from here. That is why I record and count everything on Saturday and Sunday. On the other side of the spectrum, I could weigh 180 pounds if I could tighten up weekends, but probably would drop from the program in 4 weeks. Not the right trade off.

    Lastly, in terms of certain incentives, you are easily in sight of 50 pounds by the 4th of July. That would be a very, very significant milestone (incentives or not). Easily 5 bucks to continue the metaphor.

    Stay focused, don't berate yourself and please tell me how you measure wet gas in pounds.

  2. Another way to look at this is that you have your first setback to overcome. They're part of every big project like this one. You're doing the best thing by taking pride in your progress so far and using that to set your future goals. Push forward and have a better week than the last one. Lots of love and encouragement from Athens.

